The Bibliothèque de la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique is a series of books, which was started at Louvain in 1927 and numbers now more than a hundred titles.
If, at its beginnings, the Library mainly accommodated works dedicated to the Middle Ages, the history of religious orders and opposition movements (Cathars, Hussites, Jansenists), liturgy and the 19th century, it has gradually extended its purview to other domains.
Like the Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, the Library today covers all fields of the history of Christianity.
This series is published by the editor Brepols.
As an international indexed and distributed academic series, the BRHE follows a policy of double-blind peer review. The author's identity is not known to two specialist readers evaluating the book, and the author does not know the identity of the readers.
For orders, see the website of BREPOLS.
For earlier volumes at No. 96, it is still possible to order by email:
Volume in preparation
► Nouveaux regards sur l'avouerie. Actes du colloque de Namur (4-5 février 2016) organised by Nicolas Ruffini-Ronzani.
Latest publications
► Volume 112: A Cathedral of Constitutional Law. Essays on the Earliest Constitutions of the Dominican Order, with an English translation of Fr. A.H. Thomas’ 1965 study (eds A. Milh et M. Butaye). For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 111: Masculinités sacerdotales (eds J.-P. Gay, S. Mostaccio and J. Tricou). For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 110: Verso l'Ut Omnes - Towards Ut Omnes. Vie, luoghi e protagonisti dell’ecumenismo cattolico prima del Vaticano II - Ways, places and protagonists of Catholic ecumenism before Vatican II (eds Ph. Chenaux and L. Žak). For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 109: C. Marchal, Un âge d'or des chapitres nobles de chanoinesses en Europe au XVIIIe siècle. Le cas de la Franche-Comté. For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 108: S. Scatena, Taizé, une parabole d'unité. Histoire de la communauté des origines au “concile de jeunes”. For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 107.Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova. Études d'histoire du christianisme en l'honneur de Mathijs Lamberigts (ed. by J.-M. Auwers and D. Vanysacker). For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 106. The Making of Christianities in History. A Processing Approach (ed. by Staf Hellemans and Gerard Rouwhorst). For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 105: De Canonicis qui Seculares Dicuntur. Thirteen Centuries of Chapters of Secular Canons in the Low Countries (M. Carnier et B. Meijns, eds), 2020. For more information and order this volume:
► Volume 104: En 500 après Martin Luther. Réception et conflits d'interprétation. Proceedings of the Toulouse conference (17-19 October 2017) organised by Stéphane-Marie Morgain. To learn more and order this volume:
► Volume 103: Philippe Lenain, Histoire littéraire des bénédictins de Saint-Maur, tome 5. Catalogue des monastères et index nominum. To learn more and order this volume:
Past volumes
Presentation of the volume 102 "Henri de Lubac et le Concile Vatican II (1960-1965)" (L. Figoureux)
Presentation of the volume 101
Presentation of the volume 100
Presentation of the volume 99
Presentation of the volume 98
Presentation of the volume 97
Presentation of the volume 96
Order for volume 95 (with full list of volumes in the series)
Presentation of the volume 95
Presentation of the volume 94
Presentation of the volume 93
Presentation of the volume 92
Order for volumes 92, 93, 94