Subscription to the Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique

♦ Subscriptions to the printed version of the RHE are managed solely by Cultura.

♦ Subscriptions to the only online version of the RHE are managed by Brepols.

Price for 2023

1. RHE printed version: 182 € (VAT + shipping included)

Write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cultura Hoenderstraat rhe 22  B-9230 Wetteren Belgium

Fax: (+32) (0)9 369 59 25


2. RHE online (articles and reviews; NOT including the Bibliography): 152 € + VAT

Write to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; For institutions, please provide an IP address.

3. RHE printed version + RHE online (articles and reviews; NOT including the Bibliography): 223 € (excluding VAT but shipping included)

Write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; For institutions, please provide an IP address.

Payment Options

Billed payments can be made via transfer to the following account:

Cultura - Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, Hoenderstraat, 22, B-9230  Wetteren

IBAN: BE48 3631 5171 6427


Payments can also be made by Visa and MasterCard, money order, or by check (for checks issued by foreign banks, please add 15 € in addition to any fees imposed by your bank).

Back Issues

RHE printed version, complete annual volume:

Before 1970 : 145 €

After 1970 : 135 €

RHE printed version, individual issue (n°):

2004-present: Please send your request to Cultura (see address above).

Before 2004: see the webpage Order Old Number.